Arduino and the opensource movement

When we talk about OpenHardware we are talking about all this devices whose specifications, schmatics and internal characteristics are known by its comunity of users. We apply the same filosophy of OpenSource to the world of electronics. We have to remember that open is not the same as free.

Sincronització de correu, calendari i contactes entre diferents dispositius

Ja fa anys que gaudim d’una bona solució per sincronitzar el correu electrònic entre diferents dispositius i que a la vegada ens aporta la seguretat de tenir una còpia de seguretat dels correus al servidor: el protocol IMAP.

El creixement del mercat de smartphones i tablets ens ha abocat a unes noves necessitats de sincronització,

Solucions de firewall i VPN per a totes les necessitats

Busquem productes basats en software lliure per a les nostres solucions de Firewalls i VPN’s. T’assessorem, instal·lem i mantenim la solució que més encaixa amb les teves necessitats.

GRN and Adamo deploy a Fiber Optic network in Girona

In early 2014 Adamo begins to deploy a fiber optic network in the city of Girona with the aim of providing coverage to homes and businesses with speeds up to 1000Mbps.

As Adamo announces on his blog in April 2014 comes into operation the fiber optic network of Girona.

We are Arduino distributors

Our interest in technology in general has led us to offer an online store with a selection of the products we use for our own electronic projects,

Online store news

GRN reruns its online store with a new engine and new products. In addition to products for firewalls and VoIP PBXs,

Debian 7.0 Wheezy stable

Debian has just introduced its new stable version, 7.0. Debian uses character names from the movie “Toy Story” and the new version is called “wheezy”. The new version includes many new features, among which include cross-platform support, tools oriented to the new cloud technologies and a set of multimedia codecs to eliminate the need to install third party software.

GRN renews its web

We had to do a facelift to our website and we’ve done it! Apart from cosmetic changes to conform more to the times, we have made changes that allow accessibility from mobile devices such smartphones and tablets. In addition, we have added new products,

GRN sponsors FLL Girona teams

As usual, GRN sponsors robotics La Salle Cassà’s school teams. These teams participate in the FIRST Lego League Girona. This year there have been two teams and one Junior FLL team. In the picture you can see the 3 teams with their coaches.

GRN sponsorizes a Trailwalker IO team

The team, called Km GRN, will participate in the 2013 edition of the Trailwalker Intermon Oxfam that will happen during the 20 and 21 April. You can follow the evolution of the team through his blog and the progress of donations in the team page.